The Juniper Blog
What is a website cookie and why does it matter to me?
We’re often asked about what (website) cookies are and whether they should be used. In this article, we talk about why they can be useful and when to look out for them.
One size doesn’t fit all - developing for web and mobile
There are a large number of considerations when you’re building a digital solution from screen sizes, to devices and browsers. This week we’re talking a little about responsive web design.
Mapping User Journeys
Thinking about how customers interact with your business can really help in identifying barriers and pain points and allow you to work out how you can provide the best experience possible. Find out more about mapping these pathways in this article.
Building a cross-functional team
When you’re a small business it can be challenging to work out how best to grow your team. What we’ve learned from our years working in start-ups and scale-ups is that people make a huge difference to your success.
What is Product Strategy?
Having a solid product strategy that you are constantly adapting can make sure you stay relevant to your customers and continue to provide the products and services they want as well a innovate. Here’s a latest post on how to go about writing one!
The importance of website accessibility
It’s becoming increasingly important to ensure that your website is accessible to a wide variety of user types with differing needs. In this blog, we talk a little about some of the things you can do to make your website more accessible.
Data Security Basics
In a world where everything is so easily accessible, the security of personal data is incredibly important. We’d like to share a little of our experience about the basics of securing your and your clients data.
What’s ‘Agile’ all about?
‘Agile’ is mentioned a lot in businesses, especially in the tech industry. What does it really mean though? As experienced agile practitioners, we’d like to share the basics with you.
Social media strategy
Social media strategy can seem daunting. Where do you start? We’ve put together this handy guide to help you out and provide some tips and suggestions based on our own experience at Juniper as well as working with clients.
Useful analytics for small businesses
Some clients get in touch with us because they aren’t sure whether they need to have an online presence. In a lot of cases there are enormous benefits and in others perhaps different options work better. Here are our thoughts on what you need when.
Do I need to go digital?
Some clients get in touch with us because they aren’t sure whether they need to have an online presence. In a lot of cases there are enormous benefits and in others perhaps different options work better. Here are our thoughts on what you need when.
What we’ve learned using Squarespace
We often use Squarespace for our projects for its ease of use and adaptability. Find out more about its benefits and why we recommend it.